Academic work is inherently exploratory and experimental. We are proud to share that, since 1992 we have been accumulating valuable experience from our collaborating entities in the field of education. Our mission is to educate society in growth & development with enlightening continuously.
“Education Is Not Preparation For Life, Education Is Life Itself”

Philosophy Behind The Logo
Our logo represents “MORPINCHH” which indicates just as the MORPINCHH (peacock feather) perched atop Lord Krishna’s crown adorns his seraphic appearance, same like that every student studying at KRISHNAM INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL will adorn their success in life because of the values they take from the school. These values much like the peacock’s vibrant feathers, add color and depth to their personalities, enabling them to stand out in the world.
Our punch line “श्रद्धावान् लभते ज्ञानं” describes dedication and self-discipline are key to achieving one’s goals and finding self-actualization. Students who are deeply committed to their studies and who have learned to control their distractions attain profound knowledge. Through such comprehensive understanding, students quickly achieve lasting success and peace in their academic and personal lives.
Chairman’s Message
उद्यमेन हि सिध्यन्ति कार्याणि न मनोरथैः ।
न हि सुप्तस्य सिंहस्य प्रविशन्ति मुखे मृगाः ॥
The VED teaches us that mere desire does not lead to accomplishment; it is through diligent efforts and hard work that we achieve our goals. The education delivered to our students follows the same principles as those of TAPOVAN during Vedic times, which purifies students both mentally and physically. Such students contribute significantly to the greatness of our nation through their individual efforts.
Education is a lifelong journey that shapes us. At KRISHNAM INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL, we merge ancient wisdom with modern ideas to nurture growth and significance. We emphasize moral values and leadership, preparing students to excel and contribute to society. Our philosophy combines traditional values with modern teaching for holistic student development, equipping them to face future challenges while staying culturally rooted.
I assure that our students acquire leadership and managerial skills during their time on KIS campus. Together, we strive to set unprecedented standards in education.